Feature Packed
CTFd has features designed to support organizers.
Constant development efforts, open source contributors, combined with plugins and themes
give it the most flexibility of any CTF framework.
Visualize your Teams
With all the visualization in CTFd you'll know what's going on with just a glance.
Control Everything
All you need to use to run your very own Capture The Flag is a web browser. Just use the built in administration panel and say goodbye to database queries.
And save your CTF too
With the Import/Export feature, you can save your CTF and reuse all your hard work.
Edit Everything
With its HTML editor, you can create entire pages inside of CTFd. Need to share lots of links? Make an FAQ? A contact page? No problem.
Add Hints for those hard times
Hacking is hard work. If your users are stuck you can setup hints for them to get unstuck.
Clean but Customizeable
No clutter makes the default theme of CTFd a beauty without being opinionated.